
June 19, 2008 at 9:43 pm (Uncategorized) ()

So far this week I am managing to keep up with my goal to sit down to write three times.  I have squeezed in two times already, and am confident I will be able to get in at least one more before Sunday.  I am having a hard time getting started…it is the busiest time of the year at my job (high school English teacher) and with finals, and state exams, and assorted other administrivia type things, it is hard to find any time for anything but I have been keeping true to my goal and finding the time.  Unfortunately, this usually means that I am sacrificing something , and that something is usually sleep.  But sleep is over-rated, right?

I’ve been working on the opening poem to my piece…the first draft came easy (as they often do for me) but the revision is not so simple.  I am good at getting things down on paper, but then tweaking them, making them the best they can possibly be, then I get self-critical, analytical, and self-censoring.  But, I am working on that.  

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